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Payment of the Bank Guarantee Amount of Employment Agency

  • FAQ

  • Service Description

    A procedure provided by the Ministry to agencies adding activities that require a higher bank guarantee or insurance policy.

  • Target Audience


  • Service Procedures

    1. After notifying the customer of the Ministry’s approval to employment agency license issuance and sending the reference number to him\ her to review with one of the banks to pay the required guarantee according to the activity
    2. The customer visits one of the banks registered with the Ministry and deposits the required bank guarantee amount.
    3. The bank receives the amount of the bank guarantee from the customer, deposits it with the reference number issued by the ministry, and issues a certificate with the details of the paid bank guarantee.
    4. The electronic bank system notifies the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation systems electronically of depositing the amount of the guarantee paid according to the activity, with a copy of the bank guarantee attached to the system in accordance with the requirements of the guarantees governance mechanism
    5. The details of the guarantee paid according to the activity are reflected in the Ministry's systems, and then the final approval for the license is issued
    6. The customer prints the license from the Ministry's systems and reviews the departments concerned with the commercial license
  • Required Documents

    Print the initial approval reference number receipt.

  • Terms And Conditions

    Commitment to pay the required bank guarantee according to the activity.

  • Timing

  • Payment


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