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The objective of this new insurance scheme is to provide a social protection umbrella to ensure continued decent living for the insured employees and their families for a period of time during unemployment. They will be compensated with cash amounts for a limited period and until they find an alternative job as stipulated in the Decree-Law No. (13) of 2022 regarding Unemployment Insurance Scheme.
The new scheme is applicable to all employees in the federal government and the private sector in the UAE, including non-national residents
The following categories are excluded from the scope of this law:
To be eligible for compensation an employee must meet the following:
An employee shall be entitled to compensation at 60 per cent of the employee’s ‘subscription salary’ and subject to a maximum of Dh20,000 per month, for a period of no more than three months from the date of unemployment.
The maximum period for compensation is (3) three months for each claim, provided that the coverage period does not exceed (12) twelve months during the service of the insured in the UAE labor market
The Unemployment Insurance Scheme allows the employee to agree on additional benefits with the service provider (Insurance companies licensed by Central Bank of the UAE to offer this service)
The disbursement of compensation to the ensured under this law shall not prejudice any other entitlements or compensations he is entitled to.