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A number of requirements must be met, including:
No later than two weeks after the worker returns to the domestic labor recruitment office, or two weeks from the date he or she is reported absent from work.
Under the executive regulations, Domestic Labor Recruitment Agencies are required to fulfill the following obligations towards employers:
As specified in the executive regulations, Domestic Labor Recruitment Agencies have the following obligations towards the Ministry:
Under the executive regulations, Domestic Labor Recruitment Agencies are required to fulfill the following obligations towards foreign recruitment agencies:
It is necessary for domestic workers to obtain an academic certification or an official certificate from a governmental agency in professions that require specialization, such as nursing and driving.
As outlined in the executive regulations, Domestic Labor Recruitment Agencies are required to comply with the following obligations:
Yes, a separate license for each activity is required if the activities of mediation and temporary operation are to be combined.
The combination of the activities of mediating the recruitment and temporary employment of domestic workers was permitted by the executive regulations.
The requirements for obtaining a license to operate a Domestic Labor Recruitment business are as follows:
A licensed office to practice the activity of mediation to recruit workers, in response to employers requests, or by means of temporary employment of workers according to the provisions of Federal Law No. 10 of 2017 concerning domestic workers.
Mediation for the Recruitment of Domestic Workers
The activities of employment agencies include mediation to bring the two parties or their representatives together to negotiate the terms of the employment contract with the aim of establishing an employment relationship without the agency becoming a party.
Temporary Employment of Domestic Workers
This activity means employing a worker with the intention of placing him at the disposal of a third party (the Beneficiary) to perform tasks and duties subject to the provisions of the law, whereby the performance of work shall be under the supervision and management of the beneficiary.
Typing Services
A license issued by the Departments of Economic Development shall include typing services for domestic workers transactions when the activity (typing services) is included in the license, and you will receive a letter confirming the said service.
Site terms and requirements (premises)
The recruitment agency is required to provide accommodation for domestic workers before operating the office.
The office may open branches in the same emirate where it is licensed to operate, or in any other emirate in accordance with the following requirements:
Within three months of the license approval, the licensee must fulfill the following requirements:
One year.
The license includes two activities for the recruitment of domestic workers (mediation and temporary employment), and the approval includes both activities.
The fee for a domestic recruitment office licensing is DHs. 75,000, which includes the fees for the following activities:
The fee for renewing the license of recruitment offices is DHs. 37,500, which includes the fees for the following activities:
Submit the application and the required documents through the following e-mail (
An office whose license has expired and has not been renewed within 30 days or more is considered to be practicing the activity without a license, and fines prescribed by law will apply.
The Minister may revoke the license of an office or temporarily suspend it, in any of the following cases: