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In applying the provisions of this law, the following words and phrases have the meanings indicated to each of them unless the context requires otherwise:-

Employer: a natural or legal person/entity that uses one or more workers for a compensation of any kind.

Employee: Is any male or female working for a fee of any kind in the service of the employer and under his direction or supervision, even if working far from the employer's sight. All staff and employees who work in the service of the employer and subject to the provisions of this law fall under this definition.

Establishment: any technical, economic or industrial or commercial unit which employs a worker and aims to produce goods or provide services or market any products.

The employment contract: is a limited or an unlimited contract between employers and employees in which the latter undertakes to serve the employer under his administration or supervision for a promised fee by the employer.

Labour: any form of humanitarian efforts - intellectual, artistic or physical - for a fee whether it is permanent or temporary.

Temporary work: a type of work that requires implementation or completion within a specified period.

Agricultural work: Is the work in tilling the soil and planting and harvesting crops of any kind, livestock and domestic animals and silkworms and bees, etc.

Constant services: is an uninterrupted serves for the same employer or his legal replacement, starting from the date of service.

Wages: A wage is monetary compensation (or remuneration, personnel expenses, labor) paid by an employer to an employee in exchange for work done. Payment may be calculated as a fixed amount for each task completed (a task wage or piece rate), or at an hourly or daily rate, or based on an easily measured quantity of work done.

Payment by wage contrasts with salaried work, in which the employer pays an arranged amount at steady intervals (such as a week or month) regardless of hours worked, with commission which conditions pay on individual performance, and with compensation based on the performance of the company as a whole. Waged employees may also receive tips or gratuity paid directly by clients and employee benefits which are non-monetary forms of compensation. Since wage labour is the predominant form of work, the term "wage" sometimes refers to all forms (or all monetary forms) of employee compensation.

Basic salary: is the amount paid to an employee before any extras are added or taken off, such as reductions because of salary sacrifice schemes or an increase due to overtime or a bonus.

Occupational accidents: any form of injury that faces an employee in the occupational accidents listed in the attached document that they encounter during work, and so, every incident where a worker faces an injury during work periods, going or returning home from duty, is considered an occupational injury yet only if the worker didn't interrupt or deviate from the usual routine.

Labour Department: any branch relevant to the Ministry of Labour related to labour issues in the UAE and the federal government.

Labour inspection: is monitoring entities implementation to the provisions of the UAE Labour Laws and ministerial decisions.

The inspection report: the report prepared and submitted by inspector who revels the entity's commitment to Labour Laws and ministerial decisions.

Offense report: is a document which is presented by the inspector highlighting a committed violation by an entity.

Private Recruitment Agency: every natural or legal person issued a license to practice a mediating activity or temporary employment activity.

Employee: each natural person looking for a job or working for an employer.

Employment: employing a worker residing in the country in accordance to relevant legislations.

Recruitment: inviting a natural person to the country for work purposes in accordance to active legislations.

Strategy: the methodology chosen by the ministry to develop specific goals and achieve them. It’s a declaration on the approach to be adopted by the ministry in accomplishing its tasks.

Strategic objective: is the result of a direct impact on the community, and responds to the needs and / or the specific interests of the citizens of the United Arab Emirates.

Strategic Performance Indicators (SKPIs): indicators that are based on a result and measure performance at a strategic level. It is a digital measurement of the results that measure progress towards the strategic goal.

Operational performance indicators (OKPIs): a set of indicators developed at an initiative level that could be based on the outcomes or the result according to the nature of the initiative.

Operational performance metrics: is a type of measurement which indicates the extent to which activities are well implemented.

Initiative: is a series of activities adopted by the ministry to achieve a specific strategic objective. There measurement can be an outcome or as a result contribute to the achievement of a key success factor linked to a mentioned Strategic Objective.

Activities: is a set of actions that form an initiative. Activities are placed by the ministry according to its strategy.

Emiratisation Related Concepts

1. Human Resource Development

Preparing the manpower which still outside the labour market, to become part of the workforce, capable of carrying out productive tasks, and improving productivity level of that part already in the labor market. Development of human resources is performed through education and training programs, raising the awareness of manpower, providing them with the means of modern technology, and improving their management practices.

2. Manpower:

That part of population representing the available labour supply, presently or in the future. According to this definition, the term ‘labour’ includes, in addition to the members of workforce, housewives, students who have reached working age, but are still full-time learners, and also individuals who are reluctant to work for any reason, despite their ability to engage in economic activity. According to standard definition, manpower means the members of the community aged 15 and more.

3. Labour Force:

It means economically active individuals in the community. The labour force includes all people, male and female, who represent the available supply of labour for the production of economic goods and services, whether they are already working or looking for work. Members of labor force are classified into the following categories:

  • Occupational Category : refers to type of job performed by the individual within the workforce
  • Work Status : which reflects the status of an individual in relation to his work, others co-workers (if any), paid workers and unpaid members of the family, in addition to unemployed.

4. Labour market

The term refers the market in which workers compete for jobs (demand side) and employers compete for workers (supply side). It also includes employment agencies which act as an intermediary between job suppliers and jobseekers
The market is composed of two sides.

  • Supply: refers to the number of workers (labour force) who are already in the labour market or the economically active part of population who are ready to enter the labour market at a certain period of time
  • Demand: means the demand for labor, which represents the other side of the market, or the human efforts required by employers from public and private institutions for certain benefits

5. Employed

Individuals who are already engaged in productive work: it includes individual who are employed, even if they do not work because of illness or injury, holiday or for irregular work at the facilities in which they work for temporary or incidental reasons. This category also includes full-time and part-time workers.

6. Unemployed

Individuals who are able to work and wishing to do so, were still searching jobs during the survey. This category includes the unemployed who never entered the labour market, and who have previously worked and had to leave their jobs for any reason as a result of labour market conditions.

7. Career Guidance

Career guidance refers to services and activities intended to assist an individual to choose a suitable job out of a number of jobs, based on two major processes:

  • Individual analysis : in order to obtain unbiased estimates in various aspects of his personality, such as aptitude, capabilities, essional orientation and realizable and technical skills
  • Job analysis : this requires the existence of an occupational classification based on practical analysis of jobs, so as to identify the requirements of this job for individuals who perform it successfully.

Career guidance is intended to help the individual to choose a career that best suits him and that can perform successfully and skillfully. So it is different from job selection which means selecting the best applicants from among a group of individuals for a particular career or professional.
Career guidance is also different from vocational training, as training relates to practical and theoretical preparation of an individual to perform a certain job.

8. Emiratisation Databases

Emiratisation databases represent a set of logically interrelated data elements forming integrated components of tables, records and fields. The database configuration allows database the interpretation of the relationships between the components of the database and facilitates modifications, additions and data transfer. Emiratisation databases at federal and local levels, facilitate identification of sectors, occupational categories, jobs targeted for Emiratisation, jobs that have been nationalized, and those who occupy these jobs at all levels. The success and impact of Emiratisation databases depend on the extent of their integration at the macro level and institutional level as well as their interrelation with labour market databases to enable appropriate decisions.

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